Classical Christian Education
At Heritage, we read old books and absorb insights from the giants who have come before us. Our students learn to take time-proven ideas and apply them to life in the modern world. Every thought and idea is examined according to the standards of Scripture, to be critiqued or embraced. Highly skilled Christian teachers lead students to delight in learning. We study the Word and the world, the two gifts God uses to reveal Himself to us.
Our classical Christian curriculum is anchored in those core subjects that transcend the centuries: mathematics, science, history, literature, theology, music, and art. Our curriculum is integrated and culminates in two capstone classes. In Senior Research, our students produce a thesis project on a topic of their choice (see below). In Apologetics, our juniors and seniors learn to defend their faith with grace and love, preparing them for life beyond Heritage as ambassadors of Christ.
The capstone of our curriculum is the senior thesis, a substantial research project completed by our senior students. This endeavor requires students to conduct in-depth research on a specific topic of their choice, formulate a central thesis or research question, and present original findings or analysis. The final product is presented in a formal written document and defended orally before a panel of their peers and faculty members. This project provides students with valuable experience in independent research, critical thinking, and scholarly writing, and it serves as a significant achievement that can enhance academic or professional pursuits post-graduation.
Senior Thesis
Fine Arts
A key component of classical education is understanding the sweep of the arts and music throughout history and culture. A fine arts program that includes Music History, Concert Choir, and a Shakespeare production allows students to experience these disciplines firsthand, fostering a deep appreciation for beauty and artistic expression. Such a program equips students to engage thoughtfully with the rich traditions of Western civilization while developing their own creative gifts to reflect God’s glory.
Concert Choir
Concert choir is an important part of our curriculum. It includes singers of all vocal ranges—soprano, alto, tenor, and bass—creating a rich, harmonious sound. The goals of our concert choir include developing vocal techniques, musical expression, and our singers’ collaboration skills. Singers learn to blend their voices, follow a conductor’s guidance, and interpret music expressively. Our choir performs twice a year, at Christmas and in the spring.

Shakespeare In A Week

Every winter, the entire school puts regularly scheduled classes on hold to create our annual Shakespeare performing arts production in one week!
In 2002, Heritage first participated in Shakespeare in a Week (SIAW). As the student body grew, we undertook our first solo, full blown production in 2004 with a performance of Henry V. Two decades later, SIAW continues to be a favorite activity for students and staff alike.
During this unique week, all classes are suspended as students spend each day participating in the acting company or working on a committee. The committees work on building sets, creating costumes and props, designing hair and makeup, providing audio visual support, and creating promotional material. Before this week, lines have been memorized and some costumes sewn, but the rest of the play comes together between Monday and Friday.
While the play isn't always Shakespearean, we always tackle a challenging dramatic production. By the end of SIAW, we have created a performance that is not only a wonderful learning experience, but is also a lot of fun.
Advanced Placement Courses and Dual Enrollment
Classic Learning Test
The Classic Learning Test (CLT) aligns with Heritage’s values by emphasizing critical thinking, moral reasoning, and the great works of Western tradition. We use the CLT 8 and 10 to evaluate student learning in the younger grades and prepare students for college testing. Juniors and seniors take the CLT, which also functions as a college admissions assessment. These tests resonate with our curriculum, providing an opportunity for students to showcase their strengths in a way that reflects their distinctive Heritage education.
The CLT is increasingly recognized by colleges, particularly those with a liberal arts focus, offering students scholarships and greater opportunities for higher education. Heritage students are also well prepared to excel taking the ACT and SAT.


Heritage ranked 16th in the nation out of more than 600 schools the first time our students took the test.
In 2021 and 2022, Heritage ranked nationally for our students' scores.
For information about the CLT, click here.
A+ Scholarship Program

Heritage Classical Christian Academy is an A+ School, participating in the Missouri State program that offers two years of community college free to those who qualify. The A+ program also provides students with opportunities for career and technical education scholarships, helping them prepare for meaningful vocations. By participating, students can reduce the financial burden of higher education while gaining valuable skills for their future.
You can find out more about the program at the Department of Higher Education for the state of Missouri webpage.
Heritage Classical Christian Academy is accredited by Cognia. Cognia accreditation ensures that independent Christian school members like Heritage meet rigorous educational standards, fostering continuous improvement in teaching, learning, and leadership. It provides credibility and recognition, enhancing trust among parents, students, and the broader community. Additionally, the process aligns the school’s mission with best practices, helping to strengthen its faith-based educational framework.